Noosa resident Maria Karambelas has turned society’s obsession with social media and smartphones into a short film showcasing the talent of a Sunshine Coast crew and cast.
“It’s not just our youth that are addicted,” Maria said.
“This has been a project of mine for a couple of years and it started off as a one act play for the Noosa Arts Theatre competition.
“When it didn’t make the winners list, I then made it into a short 10 minute play last year and because of all the positive feedback, I decided to cut it down again to a seven minute film for the Sunny Coast Showdown Short Film script competition.”
It’s not her first rodeo behind the camera, starting out as a production assistant with Channel 7 in Sydney when she was just 19 years old.
“I worked for many years, both permanent and freelance, for various TV stations and production companies,” Maria said.
“Then for 32 years I ran my own Freelance TV crewing agency.
“I moved to Noosa from Sydney five years ago, and although now retired, have met some amazing creatives on the coast who are hellbent on getting local production going here, and with the team of people on board, I’m sure that’s not too far off from happening. ”
Maria has a passion for all things creative, but this short film was her first foray as a writer and producer.
“I am involved a lot with Noosa Arts Theatre and have performed in quite a few plays, plus directed and been involved with their publicity team,” she said.
Maria’s short film had a small cast of four people including Ali Lambole, Robert Boesch, Sienna McRitchie and Ava Crozier, all who she met via Noosa Arts Theatre and shared the stage with at times.
“We had a very small crew of four people, Anita Poteri director, Owen Smith, DOP, Camera Operator and Gaffer, David Aponas and sound recordist Travis Brown, all local Sunshine Coast people,” Maria said.
“Thanks to Anita’s brilliant directing, we shot the film in one day utilising my home and surroundings plus a short scene at Noosa River.
“I was very thrilled to have been shortlisted with the Showdown people, and I will definitely be entering it again as it’s an amazing platform for people to showcase their work.”
Watch Maria’s short film on YouTube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJrQVZLWEeo