Enjoy artist-led talks at Experimental Life Forms

Experimenta Life Forms (2021) Plimsoll Gallery, UTAS, Hobart (TAS). Justine Emard, ‘Soul Shift’ (rear); Laura Woodward, ‘Planet’ (foreground). Photo: Rémi Chauvin.

Enjoy artist-led talks, events, and more at Experimental Life Forms: International Triennial of Media Art, coming to Queensland exclusively at Noosa Regional Gallery.

Experimenta Life Forms: International Triennial of Media Art opens on 6 August at Noosa Regional Gallery and includes 26 boundary-pushing international and Australian artists showcasing art across robotics, bio art, screen-based works, installations, participatory and generative art.

Curated by Jonathan Parsons, Lubi Thomas, and Jessica Clark; the exhibition thought-provokingly engages with ideas of how new understandings of biological and artificial life are challenging human-centric thinking.

Noosa Regional Gallery Director Michael Brennan said, “Technology-based art offers endless opportunities for artists and audiences to connect, participate, interact, and share in unexpected creative experiences.”

“Shaping immersive experiences while navigating diverse concepts, this kind of art opens the door to dynamic and evolving relationship between artists and audiences. We’re excited to offer such unique experiences to Sunshine Coast audiences.”

The eighth national touring exhibition from Experimenta, champion of art unbound by convention, the exhibition runs from 6 August until 1 October as part of a three-year Australian tour that began in Hobart in March 2021.

“Noosa Regional Gallery is thrilled to be the Queensland venue selected for this outstanding Triennial of Media Art,” Mr Brennan said.

“You normally have to visit major City galleries for shows of this calibre, so to bring these works to regional audiences is a real treat.”

Notable artworks include:

PULSE: The Life Force of Trees by PluginHuman (Betty Sargeant and Justin Dwyer), an immersive installation documenting significant trees across the globe through an LED light installation.

DJ Moss by Thomas Marcusson, a work where a plant takes over the DJ decks.

Pioneers of the ‘Bioart’ movement Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr will present an installation work entitled Biomess featuring significant natural history specimens from around the world.

Get up close and personal with the exhibition and enjoy a variety of in-person events taking place at the gallery until October!

Experimenta Life Forms: International Triennial of Media Art will run from 6 August to 1 October 2023. Entry to the exhibition is free.

Visit noosaregionalgallery.com.au

Join us for the official opening event on Saturday 5 August 2023 from 5.30 to 7.30pm. Free tickets are available via the website.