See Hugh Mackay in Conversation

See Hugh Mackay in Conversation in Maleny.

In his self-described ‘final book’, The Way We Are, Hugh Mackay – long recognised as Australia’s leading social psychologist – presents a compelling portrait of the country as it stands today.

Hugh argues that we have entered a critical period in our social evolution. He identifies several major issues: the unfinished march towards gender equality combined with the concurrent persistence of misogyny; the anti-social consequences of social media and the impacts of information overload; and the decline in religious faith and the things we look towards as a substitute.

Some of his observations might not make easy reading, but his analysis goes further, to share his own perspective on the steps we need to take to contribute to the healing of our wounded society.

Hugh has written more than twenty books, including Advance Australia… where?, The Art of Belonging, and Beyond Belief. He appears regularly on television, radio and newspapers as a commentator. The Way We Are demonstrates his deep affection for our country and is a marvellous book-end to his illustrious career.

The evening will commence with an interview with Simon Cleary. In the autumn of 2023 Simon undertook to follow the course of the Brisbane River from its source to the sea, in the hope that, by walking its length he might better understand the power and impact of this immense waterway on the environment and communities who rely on it.

In Everything is Water, Cleary takes us along on his journey, made both alone and with companions, and explores the way rivers connect landscapes, ecologies, histories, communities and myth. Over four eventful weeks and a serious weather event we are witness to the river in all its beauty and fury.

Beautifully told, Everything is Water considers our complex relationship with nature through flood, drought, time and place.

This event will sell out. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Outspoken presents:

Hugh Mackay in Conversation

Friday 14 June

Maleny Community Centre

6pm for 6.30pm

Tickets $27.50, students $18

Bookings Essential: