Natural Habits at The J

Work titled Natural Habitats by Noosa Hinterland artist Wendy Catlin.

Noosa Hinterland artist Wendy Catlin will be exhibiting a series of works titled Natural Habitats, an Environmental Art Statement at the J in Noosa Junction throughout June and July.

The artist treasures the natural environment and was compelled to use her art to make a statement about seven of these delicate habitats which has resulted in this exhibition.

Wendy said, “It is my hope that this exhibition gives each visitor a little more insight into the importance of natural habitats on the planet,“ she said.

“To stop, recognise and think about the mini habitats you pass each day in your life. Appreciate and nurture them.

“Due to actions by man and by nature many of these habitats are under threat or disappearing along with all the natural life that it supports. Logging, burning of forests, tearing up of mangroves, polluting the ocean, rivers, and air; the warming of the seas is the main cause of the decline.

“The paintings and notes beside them are to remind us all how much each system means to us; the vulnerability of each natural habitat (eco-system) that exists around us and the interdependence of each one to the other.“