Noosa Open Studios 10-year milestone

Noosa Open Studios deckchairs promotion from 2020.

Queensland’s best and largest art trail celebrates an amazing 10 years of supporting Noosa artists in 2025.

Noosa Open Studios, being held 10-19 October this year, began as a project for artists with the Noosa Arts and Crafts Association in 2015, bringing the previously hidden creative practices into the public eye.

It has since grown to include some 100+ local artists across Noosa Shire: coastal, hinterland and in our smaller communities.

This year will be our biggest ever celebration thanks to the ongoing and valuable sponsorships of Noosa Council, Tourism Noosa, Noosa Arts and Crafts, Hinternoosa Real Estate, Bendigo Bank, Matsos Eumundi, Studio One, and Your Local.

This recognition by local businesses of the value of art in our community, helps showcase the extensive creativity taking place all across Noosa Shire in studios, sheds and homes.

Some innovative and exciting activities are planned in the lead-up to the much-anticipated event where local artists open private home studios to give a unique sneak peek into what goes into making their art.

A first activity is to recognize the vision of the first Noosa Open Studios committee members from 2015.

Inaugural President Christine Pritchard, and her visionary team of artists, Gabi Dick, the late Trish Bradford, Helen Lawson, Jenny Hines, Dave Gilbert, Barbara Hamilton and Ellen Appleby will be awarded Certificates of Honor by Noosa Open Studios.

2025 President, Trevor Purvis, said the efforts of this team, most of whom are still active in the arts community today, reflect the passion and community spirit that drives our many Noosa artists.

“Over the ten years, Noosa Open Studios art trail has brought thousands of visitors into the beautiful Noosa Shire to explore the hundreds of artists’ studios and bring much-appreciated recognition and sales to local artists,” Trevor said.

“Thank-you to the enthusiastic art lovers and collectors for their passion to support local creatives and make Noosa – and its hinterland communities – the best and biggest art destination in Queensland.

“We hope all our visitors take home a piece of Noosa art culture in 2025.”

Noosa Open Studios Art Trail – 10-19 October. For more information visit