Need a reason to get out of bed?

The Combined Probus Club of Noosa recently held an information stand at Noosa Civic.

The Combined Probus Club of Noosa (originally sponsored by Rotary) is the vibrant club for retirees where you will find new interests, friends and even a challenge or two.

The club recently held an information stand at Noosa Civic over two days offering information about the group which was manned by some of their members.

“We are a non-fund-raising organisation, non political and not religion based. We look for new members with ideas and enthusiasm; we are an active group with many varied events for member participation each month,” they said.

Check out their website at and click on ‘Bulletin’ at top of the front page, then click on the relevant month, to read their monthly program.

Be prepared for a warm welcome and making new friends. Please phone president Terry Moroney 0409006285 for further information.