You’re not alone

One in five Australians aged 16-85 experience a mental illness in any year with the most common mental illnesses being depression, anxiety and substance use disorder. Over half of these people do not seek any treatment options which is vital in dealing with mental illness.

There are now many affordable options available to sufferers, it’s important to know them and not delay any treatment.

Early action may well save your life.

  • Every day at least eight Australians die from suicide and a further 30 people will attempt to take their own life. That’s 65,000 attempts and 3000 deaths every year.
  • Males account for 75 per cent of all suicides and are unfortunately the least likely to seek help.
  • Suicide is the leading of death for young people aged 25-44, more so than car accidents.

Maple Street Surgery will be holding an afternoon tea on Thursday 10 October at the Cooroy RSL, 2pm-4.30pm, (gold coin donation) to not only help raise awareness about mental health and wellness, but also aiming to reduce the stigma and promote help-seeking for the people of our community.

This event is for people who feel they are or could be affected by mental illness, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, pre-natal depression, mood disorders and gender differences, suicide and self-harm, post-traumatic stress disorder and wellness – inclusive of family and friends.

Black Dog Institute staff, Eden mental health nurses, psychologists, and our dedicated registered nurse Lilly and other staff from Maple Street Surgery will be there to discuss causes, signs and symptoms of mental illness. When and where to seek help and offer support and guidance that will assist our community develop practical strategies for helping a friend or family member suffering from depression or anxiety.

So, come on down and have a cuppa and a chat and grab some information that will be easily available.

Remember, you are not alone.