John Morrall has hands-on business experience

John Morrall, Noosa Council Mayoral candidate.

By John Morrall, Mayoral candidate

The Mayor of Noosa Shire has a unique role to play in directly impacting and supporting small businesses within our community.

As a long-time resident of Noosa Shire and owner of local businesses in the retail and fitness sectors, I have first-hand experience over many years of the issues facing local businesses. As a result, I believe I am best placed of the candidates running for Mayor to address these issues.

If I am elected, here are some ways in which I intend to leverage my position as Mayor to support small businesses in the Noosa Shire:

1. Create a small business support program:

I would like to establish a dedicated program or office within the shire that focuses on providing resources, guidance, and support to small businesses. Such a program would provide help with business planning, access to funding opportunities, and networking events to connect small business owners with mentors and industry experts; share learning experiences of running a business in Noosa Shire, including the ebbs and flows of seasonal tourist trends.

2. Streamline permitting and licensing processes:

Doing business in Noosa involves a lot of red tape. I support simplifying and expediting the process for small businesses to obtain permits and licenses. By reducing bureaucratic hurdles and making it easier for entrepreneurs and business owners to start and expand their businesses, I will encourage more investment and innovation within the community.

3. Promote buy local campaigns:

I believe council has a role to play in launching initiatives that promote buying from local small businesses. In my view, we should encourage residents to support small local businesses by highlighting the economic and social benefits of shopping locally. I will support local events such as farmers’ markets, small business fairs, and shop local campaigns to showcase the diversity and uniqueness of the small businesses in our community.

4. Invest in infrastructure and amenities:

I will assess the infrastructure and amenities in commercial areas within the shire to identify areas for improvement that will attract customers and enhance the overall business environment. Investing in public spaces, parking facilities, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure can all help to create a welcoming atmosphere for small businesses and encourage more traffic in commercial areas.

5. Collaborate with educational institutions:

I believe there are benefits to partnering with local schools, colleges, and vocational training centres to offer education and training programs for aspiring small business owners. By fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and providing access to skill-building resources, council can help individuals to start and grow successful businesses in the community.

6. Engage with small business associations:

It is essential that council builds relationships with local small business associations, chambers of commerce and industry groups to understand the needs and challenges of small businesses across the shire. That will allow council to work collaboratively to develop strategies, policies, and initiatives that address the specific concerns of small business owners and support their growth and sustainability.

7. Support diverse and minority-owned businesses:

As part of its focus on small businesses, council must prioritise diversity and inclusion in its small business support initiatives. This includes creating opportunities for minority-owned businesses, female entrepreneurs, and underrepresented groups to access resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities that can help level the playing field and promote economic equity within the community.

If elected Mayor, I will bring to council decades of hands-on business experience and a commitment to support and work with business owners across the Shire, from the hinterland to the coast.