Your local eye doctor

Associate Professor Kristopher Rallah-Baker.

Being a true Sunshine Coast local, I remember when we would have to drive to Brisbane if we needed to see a specialist because the options were so limited.

We weren’t spoilt with choice on the coast like we are now. These days, however, we have so many incredible specialists to choose from on the Coast and Kris is one of them! Consulting from both Noosa and Nambour, and operating from Noosa, Nambour and Kawana hospitals, makes it easy to see your Local Eye Doctor, no matter where you live on the Coast. How lucky are we!

You might be wondering why I am writing this article? Well, it’s simple. I love my job! Not many people can say that, but I truly am one of the lucky ones. Why do I love it? Well, just to name a few of the reasons; getting to know patients. Creating a welcoming and safe environment for our patients. Leading a team of fantastic staff. Working on the Sunshine Coast. What’s not to love? However, the more I thought about my role, the more I realised that the reason I truly love my job is my boss, Associate Professor Kristopher Rallah-Baker – Your Local Eye Doctor.

Kris is an incredible man, with a fascinating story. He worked so hard to get to where he is. He faced adversity after adversity, but you wouldn’t know it. He doesn’t dwell on it. He uses that to keep him grounded and to push him to succeed. He is down-to-earth. A perfectionist. Has a wicked sense of humour. He loves to educate. And more than anything, he lives for his patients and ensures that they are looked after and heard.

So, I thought I would take the opportunity to sit down with Kris and ask him some questions to help you, our local community, to get to know Kris, Your Local Eye Doctor.

Q: What made you want to become an ophthalmologist?

A: I admired the work of Fred Hollows and developed a deep interest in ophthalmology at medical school.

Q: Where did you study?

A: Medical school at University of Newcastle and specialist training in Brisbane.

Q: Interesting fact about yourself?

A: Farming is an interest of mine. So much so that I own a farm and I run a herd of cattle.

Q: How do you enjoy spending your downtime?

A: Spending time on my farm and building furniture is a hobby of mine.

Q: What makes you smile?

A: Seeing my patients enjoy a new lease on life from a great visual outcome.

Q: Favourite movie?

A: The Iron Lady

Q: What do you love most about your job?

A: Getting to know my patients, and spending time with my incredible team who have become a family to me.