As part of Queensland Seniors Month celebrations, SENIORS CONNECT 2023 is an event where our local seniors can find about local services, programs and activities in the shire.
There will be free entertainment by local band ‘Mood Swings’, morning tea, demonstrations, come-and-try activities, a broad range of support services- all with the aim of providing information and support to our seniors.
It will be held in and around the grounds of Noosa Seniors (formerly Noosa Community Support) in Wallace Park Noosaville on Wednesday 18 October from 10am- 12pm.
Acting coordinator of Noosa Seniors, Kelly de Visser, said “Seniors Connect is an opportunity to celebrate the contribution that older people make to the Noosa community. Noosa Seniors will highlight the contributions of our seniors while showcasing a range of wellbeing and support activities that are provided in Noosa for seniors to help them stay connected and continue to be living well.”
Noosa Seniors will provide advice and information on navigating My Aged Care, in-home support services, social groups, arts programs, the workshop, wellness and falls prevention classes, podiatry, transport, carer support and home maintenance and modifications.
Noosa Leisure Centre, Noosaville Library, Wellness Carer Gateway, Services Australia, Footprints Community Care, Relationships Australia, Sage Care Advice, U3A Noosa, ADA Australia, Noosa Community Gardens, Noosa Women’s Shed and Noosa Parks Association will be attending.
This event is funded by Noosa Council and Queensland Government.
The location is Noosa Seniors- 11 Wallace Drive Noosaville, alongside Noosa Leisure Centre and Noosaville Library. Parking will not be plentiful so try to get a lift to the event and remember to bring a hat!
Contact Noosa Seniors to confirm your attendance and find out more information on (07) 5329-6175 or www.noosa.qld.gov.au/noosa-seniors