When Blue Care finishes construction of its Sunrise Beach aged care and retirement living precinct, hundreds of older Australians and their families won’t be the only ones to benefit; the not-for-profit provider is also giving back to the land’s Traditional Owners by offering First Nations employment and training opportunities.
UnitingCare’s Manager Reconciliation Action Plan Program, Kym Korbe, said Blue Care’s agreement with the Kabi Kabi People to sponsor 10 paid traineeships in Horticulture and Parks and Gardens, would open the door to meaningful employment for supported individuals in Noosa Shire and beyond.
“Individuals who complete the training over six to 12 months will come away with hands-on and theoretical experience, as well as a formal Certificate III level qualification in the field. Wrap-around support will be provided for trainees to help them achieve their individual career goals during the training period.”
Ms Korbe said Blue Care would also consider supporting individuals to undertake paid traineeships in individual personal caring, hospitality and business administration.
“We’re sincere about finding long-term employment options for First Nations peoples across our services. I would encourage anyone who might be interested in land preservation and caring for Country or people, to contact us about this special opportunity, to work alongside experienced property and maintenance teams as well as specialist contractors in the local Kabi Kabi region.”
Individuals who are interested in learning more about the Blue Care traineeships should contact UnitingCare’s Reconciliation Team on reconciliation@ucareqld.com.au or call Candice Hamilton, First Nations Workforce Project Officer, on 0472 718 080.
For more information about Blue Care Sunrise Beach aged care home and village visit bluecaresunrisebeach.com.