Mountains of books for sale

Dieter Telburn engrossed in a book at the 2019 Bookfest Noosa.

Rotary Noosa Daybreak are again holding the annual Bookfest Noosa.Over three days from Friday 30 April to Sunday 2 May 2021, 9am to 5pm every day, books will be on sale at the Noosa Leisure Centre in Wallace Drive, Noosaville (next to Noosa Library).

Books this year are at bargain-basement prices, so everyone is assured of a great buy. Come along and invest in a whole new library to tide you over for the following year.

Over the weekend there will be a larger number of quality pre-loved books for sale than ever before, thanks to the donations collected all year round, and all on display for three days of browsing and choosing, at the one location in the Leisure Centre.

This year for the first time, the huge collection of Fiction books will be displayed in alphabetical order of Authors, making selection easier.

Funds raised at the Bookfest Noosa this year will go directly towards benefiting our community. Rotary Noosa Daybreak are jointly funding a Phd student researching Suicide Prevention, with University of Sunshine Coast and Australian Rotary Health. This is a three year commitment.

This event is about Rotary supporting people in the Sunshine Coast Community:

– Providing thousands of books for sale; children’s at $1 each, all others $2.50 each

– Fundraising directly for the benefit of Mental Health Research into Suicide Prevention

– Fundraising for local causes including Salvation Army and Rotary Youth Projects

– Caring for our communityBuy some books to help yourself, your family and the local communityIf you have any inquiries regarding Bookfest Noosa, please call 1300 791 226. Book donations to the Bookfest Noosa may be dropped off at the main entrance of Noosa Leisure Centre, in Wallace Drive, Noosaville.

QLD Government COVID Safe Event Compliance will be followed at Bookfest Noosa.