Whether it’s using technology to better manage transport options or implementing a permanent shuttle bus in Noosa Shire, the ideas are many and varied during the consultation on the Destination Management Plan.
About fifteen people attended the first interactive workshop last week, with all participants being solutions-orientated and detailing a long list of ideas and initiatives.
Community Engagement Advisor Caroline Osborne said the positive vibe and genuine interest in the process is encouraging.
“There was a real willingness to be part of the solution and all participants were engaged, offered creative ideas and understand the importance of getting this right,” she said.
More workshops are scheduled over the next two weeks.
It’s Cooroy’s turn on Saturday 14 October at the Cooroy Library from 1.30 to 3.30pm.
We move to Peregian Beach on Wednesday 18 October at the Peregian Beach Community House.
“People can still book a place at these free workshops by visiting the Your Say Noosa website.
“But if they can’t make the workshop, we will be holding a Coffee Chat in Cooroy on Saturday morning from 10am,” she said.
Council officers will be at Cooroy Harvest Fresh from 10am-11.30am on Saturday morning.
There’s no need to book for the Coffee Chats, simply grab a free coffee and have a chat with council staff about your priorities and vision for Noosa Shire.
Council is also planning an online workshop on Tuesday 17 October at 5pm. To register, visit yoursaynoosa@qld.gov.au to register and get the link or to read the discussion paper.
Economic Development and destination management manager Lynne Banford said it’s important to hear from as many different people as possible.
“We are making a concerted effort to engage and listen to a wide range of stakeholders to get as many different perspectives,” she said.
“This is really a critical moment in our shire’s future, so I really encourage people to do the survey or even email us with their thoughts,” Ms Banford said.
Consultation closes Sunday 29 October.