Vote 1 Nick Hluszko for Noosa Mayor

Mayoral candidate Nick Hluszko.

By Nick Hluszko

I’ll fix the basics….

Current councillors have had years to fix problems with the basic services that residents are paying for.

If elected, I will get back to the basics for all of Noosa Shire’s regions.

Rates – At a time when many are struggling with the cost of living and interest rates and when council’s cash reserves are piling up, I, like most, want to see the very minimum rates. I will lead better management of Noosa Council to fix budgeting priorities so that we deliver the most affordable rates.

Roads and infrastructure – The lack of spending on infrastructure is visible everywhere. I will fix the issues with our roads through proper planning and budgeting for locality-specific solutions that are based on what our communities need and deserve.

While I oppose the State’s mandated 18,000 additional people in the Noosa Shire over the coming years, we need to be realistic. It is critical we properly engage with locals to understand and fix local issues.

Rubbish – Can you believe that in our Noosa Biosphere council is burning off methane gas from the dump and is one of the biggest contributors of C02? There are other options to simply converting methane into Co2. I Will work to find better solutions – ones that provide more benefits to our community.

The community wants hard rubbish collections reinstated – I will listen and deliver the services the community needs.

Environment – I will ensure that what makes our Noosa Biosphere special, is protected! I will review environmental projects to establish performance versus planned objectives and their timeframes so that rate-payer funds are well-managed, and that Council is always accountable for results.

Noosa River – I will protect the Noosa River in partnership with the State-funded Resilient Rivers Program to develop a Catchment Action Plan. In the process I will ensure that we can access both State and Federal government funds to implement our Noosa River catchment action plan – rather than have the Noosa community pay for it all!

Vote 1 Noosa Mayor Nick Hluszko

Vote for me for as Noosa Mayor, and I will represent all of Noosa’s communities from hinterland to coast. I will make sure ratepayers’ money is directed fixing the basic services our communities need and deserve.

Authorised by: Nick Hluszko, 180 Gympie Terrace, Noosaville 4566.