Debra’s new lease on life

Debra at work in the gym. Supplied.

When she moved from Brisbane to Noosa Springs last year, Debra Briscoe knew she’d have to change the way she lived if she was to fully benefit from living in one of Australia’s premier lifestyle destinations.

Debra had spent years at a desk in her role as a human resources executive. Raising two kids, coping with Covid and working long hours had taken its toll, and Debra’s weight had dramatically increased.

She decided that, at 60, it was time to do something about it.

Debra consulted her doctor, made an appointment to see a dietician, started a disciplined regime of walking – 12,000 steps a day at least – and signed up with Noosa Springs’ Fitness Centre.

A year later, the transformation is astonishing. Fit, confident and healthy, Debra has shed 50kg and says she’s never felt better. She’s talking about now adding muscle to her svelte physique and is keen to not just walk, but take daily runs around Noosa.

Her personal trainer Matt Upton is amazed at the discipline and commitment that Debra has put into her makeover. “I help her by showing her what to do in the gym,” he said.

“But that’s only a part of it. Deb’s done it herself – she’s amazing.”

Debra said the secret was to put a good system in place.

“I listened to the advice of my doctor and dietician and followed what they said. I drink lots of water – I don’t go anywhere without my water bottle – count calories, and I work with Matt for three hours a week. I did my research, listened to podcasts and tried intermittent fasting. Most of it is just common sense, really.”

Debra’s gym work involves resistance training, building muscle mass and increasing bone density.

“I feel so much better,” she said.

“I’m healthier, stronger and much more confident, and excited about the next part of my journey. I’ve been lucky because I have people in my corner. Having people to support you is very important. Matt’s been fantastic.”

Debra now weighs 77kg, and says her ideal weight is probably about 70kg. There’s no doubt she’ll reach that goal before too long.

But that won’t be the end of it for this mother of two adult children. Her journey has been not so much about setting and reaching targets, but creating an entire new lifestyle that she’s convinced will make her a better person.