Doctors remind Noosa locals to book skin check

Dr Phil Keys.

When the sun feels strong on your skin, it is actually prematurely ageing the skin surface, damaging cells beneath the surface with UVA and UVB rays.

The team at Noosa Skin Cancer Surgery is reminding the community that regular skin checks are essential as sun spots and melanoma may not even be visible, but can visibly occur within months.

Bronzing gels and tanning creams won’t protect you from sun damage unless they have a Sun Protection Factor built in like SPF50.

Tattoo ink will not protect your skin either.

Skin cancer begins as skin damage, predominantly by the sun and initially visible as Solar Keratosis – but not only, and not always.

A well-trained skin cancer doctor has the extra training and knowledge, the experience, the eyes and the correct tools to assess sun damage and skin cancers.

A good skin cancer surgery will incorporate skin imaging to store images of your sun-skin damage for comparative changes, but not solely rely on AI such as mole scanning.

If you had a skin check a few months ago, but have just recognised a new suspicious or worrying spot, a good skin cancer surgery will often fit you in for a quick look at that spot if they have previously looked at your skin. Sun spots can change over short time frames.

Don’t just trust anyone, trust an experienced skin cancer professional who has extra training and skills and who looks at skin cancers everyday – Noosa Skin Cancer Surgery.

To get in touch call 5455 6693 or book online at