Creating calm from chaos

Jessica Macdonald from Jessica Macdonald Coaching.

By Jessica Macdonald - Director Jessica Macdonald Coaching

Are you sick of feeling distracted and tetchy with your children?

Parenting is the most important job that we will ever do. The problem is there’s no performance review, or systems to support learning or development or human resource department to take complaints to. Nor is there any process improvement department or finance section to come to your rescue.

American paediatrician Dr Benjamin Spock was right when he said that when it comes to parenting “you know more than you think you do”.

I am passionate about parenting and believe that families should be enjoyed not endured. My goal is for people to be able to sort out the chaos in their heads and connect with their kids. You are the expert on your child or children and your family. And if I can help you to keep your calm, you can bring your intuition to the parenting game and create that lasting connection.

I coach people to find their calm. What are the thoughts that play on repeat in your mind? It might be: Why do my children never listen to me? Or perhaps it’s: How do I get my kids to put their stuff away?

I am running a six-week course for parents to create calm from chaos, the chaos in their heads and the chaos in their homes. If you could do with more calm and less chaos, this course is for you. I go through the science and provide tools, techniques and thinking frameworks to bring the calm.

This course is not about getting your children to behave perfectly. It’s about keeping you calm so that you can sail through the storms. And giving you some tools so you can help your kids as they face their turbulent times.

For more information, visit