Celebrating the unique relationship between humanity and nature, through dynamic and thought-provoking works, Noosa Regional Gallery starts the year with the opening of two exhibitions by locally based artists, Colin Pennock and Ben Hedström.
Colin Pennock’s abstract landscapes explore the rhythm of time and the fluidity of spaces. Drawing inspiration from the Noosa Hinterland rainforest, Pennock captures impressions of places that exist in an ephemeral, in-between state.
“Pennock’s works are as much about the act of painting as they are the subject,” explains art writer Elli Walsh.
“The artist’s palette knife becomes an extension of his psyche, orchestrating a visceral catharsis and purification of mind.”
With a career spanning international exhibitions and inclusion in prestigious collections such as the British Consulates in New York and Washington, Pennock’s textural techniques, from thick impasto to delicate glazing, offer a deeply personal perspective on harmony and transformation.
Ben Hedström’s work explores the profound interplay between human experience and natural landscapes. Inspired by the Sunshine Coast’s coastline, his exhibition introduces an interpretation of ‘allision’ as a moment of transformative connection between the physical and emotional self, and the landscape.
Known for his mastery of alla prima and impasto techniques, Hedström’s luminous, textured paintings capture the ephemeral beauty of the coastline while reflecting on the enduring nature of the environment. His works are held in collections across Australia, the UK, and the USA, showcasing his ability to evoke deep emotional resonance.
JOURNEY TO PARADISE: COLIN PENNOCK and ALLISIONS: BEN HEDSTRÖM will run from 8 February to 30 March 2025. Entry to the exhibitions is free. Visit: noosaregionalgallery.com.au
Join the opening event on Friday 7 Feb, 5.30–7.30pm. Free tickets via the gallery website.