Reduce your carbon footprint

Check out options to reduce your power bill. Supplied.

By Zero Emissions Noosa, Inc

Ever wondered how you can reduce your power bill and your emissions?

Joe Shlegeris recently shared some hints at the ZEN E Community Forum in Cooroy about how he and his family have saved money on their power bills over many years.

Joe said: “High on my top nine things to do list are getting rid of the old fridge in the garage. It is often inefficient, with leaky seals, in the hottest place in the house. Leave it unplugged until it is needed, use it. Then unplug it again to save money.”

“Checking your kitchen fridge seal is a good idea. Fridges more than five years old often have seals that leak cold air. Replacing it makes your fridge more efficient and costs you less in power bills.”

“Number three on my list is your kitchen jug. Boiling more water than you need each time is a waste of money. If you buy a metal jug with the element embedded in the base, you can boil one cup at a time. While it might cost more to buy, it will save you money in the long run.,” said Joe.

“Another way of saving money is to reduce the time you use your pool pump. This reduces the amount of power it uses, and your pool will still be clean to use,” Joe added.

“Number five on my list is running your air conditioner more efficiently. If you close all external doors and windows, clean the filter regularly, keep the compressor clean and run it at 21 or 22 degrees, you will use less power and save money. “

“Next is LED lights. They use less power, they last longer and save you money.”

If you have a solar system, Joe recommends changing the way you think about using your solar system.

“Use as much power as you can during the day. Have your hot water heating in the middle of the day using power from your solar system, and run your dishwasher and washing machine. This is cheaper than having them running at night when you are buying power back from the grid at a higher price.”

Being an early adopter of solar PV, Joe is a big fan.

“I suggest a solar PV system if you haven’t already got one. Not only will it save you money in reduced power bills, but by getting the biggest system you can, you will be future proofing your household’s power costs. In the future, you may also be able to charge your electric car’s battery from your solar system and then use the power stored in your car’s battery at night to run your house. Maybe you won’t even have to buy power,” Joe said.

Joe’s final useful tip, “By installing solar, you are reducing your carbon footprint by reducing the emissions from power generation. Always get good a quality solar PV system and use a local installer who will be able to help you with servicing to keep your solar PV system running at it’s peak to save you money”.

ZEN Inc. Community Forums

E Bikes – Your way to physical & mental health – Friday 29 April 4.30– 6.30pm at Peregian Beach Community House. Join Dr Carina Anderson, Renee Black from Noosa Council and Darren Walters to learn about the health and wellbeing outcomes of regular e-bike use. Learn how using e-bikes can help to reduce commuter traffic in our Shire. Have your questions answered over drinks and nibbles after the presentation. Book at

Introduction to solar and batteries and greenpower – Tuesday 10 May 10, 11am–noon at Cooroy library. Looking to make the most of your renewable energy system? Join Luke Tscheuschler to learn how solar alone, solar with a battery, or purchasing Greenpower can help your household reduce emissions. Book at Noosa library events page