Noosa women urged to book in for a breast screen

Noosa women aged over 50 years are being urged to book in for their regular free breast screen.

Noosa women aged over 50 years are being urged not to put off regular health checks and book in for their regular free breast screen.

A recent report by the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare found that breast cancers detected through screening are less likely to cause death than breast cancers diagnosed in women who have never had a breast screen.

BreastScreen Queensland Sunshine Coast medical director Dr Alison Roper said, “Finding breast cancer early when it is smaller means that women have more options for treatment. Early detection can literally save lives.”

“In the Noosa area, less than 50 per cent of women in the 50 to 74-year age group are having regular breast screens, compared with the Sunshine Coast average of 55 per cent.”

“We have a new mammography machine at our Noosaville service and are extending the opening hours to make it as convenient as possible for busy women to access the service. We hope this will encourage more women to come for a breast screen,” Dr Roper said.

Women aged 50 – 74 are encouraged to have a breast screen every two years as studies show that this age group benefits the most from regular screening. The service is also available free to women aged 40 – 49 and over 75.

“Appointments are one-on-one with a female health professional, take less than 30 minutes and no doctor’s referral is needed,” Dr Roper said.

The Noosaville Service is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and one Saturday each month.

To book a free breast screen phone 13 20 50 or book online at