Australia Day was celebrated in motoring style with the Roadrunner Car Club as they held their inaugural ‘Australia Day Show’n’Shine’.
A massive display of 70 cars lined the lawn of the Apollonian Hotel at Boreen Point while members lunched in the shade.
The Show’n’Shine had a competitive edge with trophies awarded for particular categories including the Apollonian Hotel’s ‘Own Choice’ which went to a very Stunning MGTC owned by Colin Boucher from Gympie. Colin received a hand made ‘Perpetual Trophy’ from Neil Paynter- the Apollonian publican – with an engraved glass and a cool bottle of Champagne to boot.
Roadrunner Car Club spokesperson Noel St John-Wood said their Sunshine Coast based Car Club “turned out in force under a True Blue Queensland sky – it was just the right day for a celebration involving some of the many unique cars we have in the club ranging in era from the 1920s through to 2020s”.
“We don’t need much coaxing to get out on a day like this one-its just very relaxing and a good social event that we aim for“, he said.