As the new school year begins, Noosa District State High School is celebrating the achievements of their 2020 graduates who have achieved outstanding results.
Marijn Van der Kooij, Lillie Mellin and Jake Missett achieved in the top one per cent of all students in Queensland’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Marijn is enrolled at the University of Queensland to study a Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics Honours.
Lillie has been accepted into the University of New South Wales for a double degree, Bachelor of Medicine and Doctor of Medicine, while Jake is chasing his dream of becoming a film director, pursuing a career in the cinematography industry.
Noosa District State High School’s Principal Brett Burgess was thrilled by the results of the Year 12 students, especially the top 16 per cent of the Noosa High cohort who achieved ATAR scores above 92.00.
“In fact almost 40 per cent of all Noosa students achieved an ATAR above 80.00 which is up there with the best in the state and certainly Sunshine Coast leading,” Mr Burgess said.
“It was through the hard work and dedication of teachers, students and parents throughout their schooling that has enabled achievement at this level.“
NDSHS has a recent history of achieving excellent OP results and now ATAR results, with over 40 per cent of Year 12 students pursuing tertiary and further studies.
All students from the 2020 Year 12 cohort (175 students) gained their Queensland Certificate of Education by passing 20 or more units of study.
“It is clear that Noosa District families do not need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on private school fees to access a first class education. Our results speak for themselves and our students results are among the best in Queensland,” Mr Burgess said.
The Year 12 students who received an ATAR of 92.00 and above visited the NDSHS Cooroy Campus on Wednesday 27 January to thank their teachers and to publicly receive acknowledgement for their academic success.
Top results include:
– Marijn Van der Kooij (ATAR 99.90, placing him among the top 60 students in Queensland): UQ, Bachelor of Advanced Science and Economics
– Lillie Mellin (ATAR 99.65): UNSW, Bachelor of Medicine and Doctor of Medicine
– Jake Missett (ATAR 99.20): Cinematography industry
– McArthur Alford (ATAR 97.85)
– Lauren Hall (ATAR 97.40): UQ, Bachelor of Advanced Science
– Angus Agosta (ATAR 97.00):
– Racheal McMullan (ATAR 96.15): UQ, Bachelor of Biomedical Science
– Nicole Barker (ATAR 95.35): UQ, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce
– Tully Cowan (ATAR 95.25): UQ, Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)
– Dylan Porter (ATAR 94.20): QUT Bachelor of Nursing
– Lateisha Hurst (ATAR 92.10): QUT, Bachelor of Teaching Primary
– Malena Elston (ATAR 92.00): QUT, Bachelor Law and Justice