Josanne celebrates the achievements of WomenKind

WomenKind founder Josanne Falla.

Ahead of International Women’s Day, WomenKind Australia founder and chairperson Josanne Falla takes a look back at just how far the local not-for-profit organisation has come.

“Over the years, first in radio interviewing and talking to local women, I became really inspired by their resilience, their dedication, their determination, their grit and their grace,” Josanne said.

“I admired each woman that came to chat with me over the years and I wanted to do something to show their worth, let them be seen and heard… sing their praises to everyone.

“So, I set about connecting them, bringing them together to inspire and be with each other. We created retreats to showcase their knowledge, monthly breakfasts to connect and share, and then came lunches. We thought, if we could afford a nice meal, we could put $5 aside for those that couldn’t.”

This opened her eyes to some of the real problems that women and families in the Noosa area are facing.

“The Noosa circle needed more than just me and my small ideas,” she said.

“It needed to become a NFP to enable us to create a tribe, a team of helpers, to continue to make a good idea into something magnificent.”

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart and Councillor Amelia Lorentson supported the endeavours and a ball was created from nothing during the heights of Covid.

“We created not one but two balls, as we were closed down six hours before our first ball started, and then went in to create another four weeks later,” Josanne said.

Last year this small group of women raised the following for the community with your support: $280k for counselling services; $25k for homelessness; $5k for sexual abuse victims; $3K for food (Ozharvest); $2K for gifting to families in need; plus the Christmas Giving Tree, which donates hundreds of gifts to the homes of women and families in refuges on the coast from Gympie to Caloundra.

“Not too bad for our first year and a bit,” Josanne said.

This year, their aim is to create housing availability for domestic and family violence (DFV) families in the Noosa Shire.

“Yes, it’s a big need here. Everyone thinks it’s a rich area, but be assured it definitely is not, unless you want to buy a house,” Josanne said.

“Our Raise the Roof by Buying a Brick campaign has begun with over $50k raised already.

“We’ve had donations from Noosa Pirates, Sandy Bolton, Reed and Co, Alishwa.

“Once you pull your head out of the sand, you can’t unsee what is happening.”

Josanne acknowledged the women of the board, including Nicky Roche, Liz Bear, Magdalena Lyle, Char Elena Sommerville, Linny Studs, Narelle Cameron, Jules Rosenberg, Fiona Jacobs and Ruby Noos.

“These women are doing the hard slog behind every breakfast, lunch, and event. I am in gratitude and in awe for all they give,” she said.

“We of course have others helping out including you, our community. Thank you for your gifts, your donations and your sponsorships which help us help others.

“Special thanks to Peppers Resorts, Isabellas Fine Jewellery, Diablo Ginger Beer, Pomona Distillery, Suter, Cleine and Smith, Sails, Rococos, Beach Road Holiday Homes, Noosa Pirates, Chimu Adventures, Revival Wellness, Buy Local, Superfierce, Platinum Tax Solutions, Noosa Gift Co, and so many more who have got behind us by sponsoring or donating.

“I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone as you are all important if we are going to take on this task of creating transitional housing for our families in distress.

“I see them sleeping in their cars, I can’t close my eyes anymore. We will never give up. You can help us by joining WomenKind, by donating items for the raffles, by coming and/or sponsoring our events.

“Our next event on IWD is at Monty’s at Sunshine Beach and is an intimate evening with women winemakers including delectable nibbles. Tickets available at

‘Help us ‘Raise the Roof’ on DFV by buying a brick at

Donations are fully tax deductible.