Dead trees suspected of being poisoned at Noosa Heads will be left in place and the ground around them planted out with native climbers to help rehabilitate the protected area.
Council’s Development Assessment Manager, Kerri Coyle, said staff were working with the Settler’s Cove body corporate to restore the area – part of a protected vegetation covenant on privately owned land adjacent Noosa inlet.
“The covenant is in place to protect and conserve this vegetation as it provides an important wildlife corridor for koalas and contributes to the vegetated green backdrop to Noosa inlet, viewable from a number of vantage points at Noosa Heads,” Ms Coyle said.
The trees suspected of being poisoned include Bribie Island Pines, estimated to be 60 years old, and Hard Quandongs.
“Soil testing near the dead trees has shown the presence of Hexazinone and Tebuthiuron – herbicides used to kill woody vegetation in grazing lands.”
Ms Coyle said a concerned resident alerted Council to the suspected tree kill.
“Any suspected interference with protected vegetation – be it for views, sunlight, to reduce leaf litter or any other reason – is taken very seriously by Council and in this case the body corporate too, which has been very proactive in working with us to rehabilitate the area,” she said.
“Anyone found to poison, damage or clear native vegetation in breach of the planning scheme will face infringements and/or prosecution by Council.”
In addition to the native vines that will be encouraged to climb the dead trees, the site is being replanted with replacement trees, while nesting boxes will also be installed to support native wildlife.
“We are also seeking the body corporate to remediate the soil to remove the herbicide.”