Noosa update

Independent Noosa MP Sandy Bolton and her Noosa electorate team.

Well, I had hoped to stick to my promise last time of focusing on the Budget this edition, however again with so much happening, it is another ‘speed date’ column!

2024 State Budget

Even though we celebrated the opening of Six Mile Bridge #7 mentioned last column, the need for greater safety on Kin Kin Road remains with $36.6 million allocated for this. Given that $39 million has previously had to be redirected from other areas to address the impacts to our infrastructure and community from a totally inappropriate level of heavy haulage demonstrates how flawed our systems are, and I speak on this more below. Items welcomed in the budget for Noosa were $25 million for the widening of Eumundi Noosa Road, progress on the Sunshine Beach State High School Advanced Manufacturing Hub, major grants for our sporting clubs, extra police and paramedics, co responders and more. However, ‘missing in action’ was the detailed design allocation for the next stage of the Tewantin Bypass, as well the pedestrian crossing on Factory St, Pomona, which as you can see from my Budget Reply speech in Parliament at the link below, is not acceptable, and I have requested this be addressed immediately by the Minister for Transport and Main Roads (TMR). Of note for broader Queensland regarding Youth Justice Reform, there are a number of major funding allocations that align to the 60 recommendations from our Inquiry, and during the upcoming Estimates process, I will be searching for more. A list of Noosa specific Budget outcomes is at, which will be updated after Estimates as we are still digging through the finer details!

Heavy Haulage

My speech in Parliament on the Environmental Protection Bill raised that it had not fully implemented the original recommendation relating to the powers of the Chief Executive to amend Environmental Authorities, and since then clarity has been provided that the existing processes and new ones combined address the full recommendation. So why do I still have a question mark? Because until we ‘test’ this, there are no assurances that it will achieve what is sought by communities impacted by environmental authorities that are no longer ‘fit for purpose’, including those that allow devastation to residents, wildlife and our environment from heavy haulage as experienced in our Noosa country villages. Anyone who has followed this journey over multiple years will know we have sought any solution possible through State Government and will continue efforts through the ‘regulator’ as well for an Independent Environment Protection Authority for Queensland to see an end to what is very wrong.

National Park Expansion

Around 479 hectares of Yurol State Forest and 889 hectares of Ringtail State Forest are soon to transition to Tewantin National Park following recent progress in Parliament. My original speech in Parliament when this was announced in 2019 can be read at

Native Title Claims

To clarify regarding questions being asked on Facebook and some confusion after the recent High Court decision regarding the Native Title claim encompassing the Sunshine Coast as well our electorate, Native Title does not affect private freehold land. It relates to government land such as waterways and lakes, National Parks and other protected areas, as well sites not currently in use such as the former TAFE site. As followers know, this claim by Kabi Kabi has been with the Federal Court awaiting a determination as we have reported on for 2 years in relation to the former TAFE site, and now that this has been completed, progress on the site can finally occur. Information, including a Q&A, is available on Noosa 360 at

Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival

Following the announcement of the Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival cancellation, we requested the Minister for Environment to urgently intervene to make sure this vital fundraiser is able to continue as this event should never be designated a ‘commercial’ activity. Our volunteer organisations need all the help they can get, and we will update shortly.

Noosa Council Amendments

After the release of Council’s draft amendments to the 2020 Noosa Plan, in amongst our ‘trawling’ it was good to join our Noosa Chamber of Commerce for an interpretation by Russell Green from RG Strategic who took the complexities and drilled these down into a simple summary. This regarding multiple aspects including ‘uses’, the good aims within for affordable and community housing that could be constrained by conditions, as well the reality that even with the best intent, some aspects may be missing such as that smaller accommodations which may be affordable, may not be quite large enough to accommodate workers with children? Remember to have your say

Noosa DFV Units – Construction starting shortly

It was wonderful to celebrate the Community Bank and Coast2Bay Housing Group’s partnership on the construction of domestic and family violence (DFV) units. Noosa RISE 2 (which stands for Restart In A Safe Environment) is an instrumental project that I have proudly been involved in, and I thank all who have made this possible including the Queensland Government for providing over $9 million in funding towards the project here, as well further down the coast. A special call out to our Zonta Club of Noosa and Noosa Coolum Salvos, who both have and will be involved along this journey to create safe, supported havens for our families impacted by family violence.

New Multi-Purpose Hall for NDSHS, Pomona Campus – Opened

Such a momentous moment to officially open this new $11.9 million hall that started as a conversation between myself and previous Head of Campus Michael Small four years ago has now become a reality! Special thanks to Ministers Grace Grace and Di Farmer and their Departments, Principal Stacy Wilmore and the P & C, and most of all, our students. You are our future, and I hope you love this hall as much as we do as it is fabulous for our whole community.

Tewantin State School Pool Heater – Replaced

Thank you to residents who alerted us to the broken pool heater, and to the Department of Education and acting School Principal Emma for the urgent replacement. With so many students, as well residents utilising this pool including for essential therapies, this has been greatly appreciated with winter now upon us.

North Shore Airfield

It is disappointing that the small airfield portion of Noosa North Shore landing reserve is not being retained for use of community groups, with notification that it will be transferred to National Park along with the majority of the site. However our efforts have secured a two year transition for these clubs with government assistance to identify and transfer to a suitable site, and I will be tracking this closely to ensure they receive the what has been promised.

Queensland Day Awards/Volunteers

Given my history working in and with not-for-profits prior to becoming a Councillor and then Independent State MP, those who volunteer are always extremely close to my heart, and I was honoured to present a record number of QLD Day Awards this month! To everyone who contributes to this incredible community we call ‘home’, you have my deepest appreciation, as well eternal love. If you are new to our beautiful electorate and ready to become part of our Noosa tapestry, family or ‘mob’, we have over 300 groups that may align with your passion, and I encourage you to join up! Just a few hours a week can make an enormous difference to our home and enrich your own lives in ways you may not realise.

With limited room to share all that happens in a Noosa MP’s month, please also follow my Facebook page ‘Sandy Bolton MP’, subscribe for newsletters at, and check updates we regularly post to Noosa 360 at to ensure you have the facts, versus being misinformed on matters relating to our community.

For assistance or advice regarding state government matters, or to clarify regarding any issues of concern you are hearing about, please contact my office via 5319 3100 or email or grab us when we are out an about as we are easily recognisable in our new work shirts.

Until next month
