Draft construction management plans for the Lake Macdonald Dam spillway will be submitted by Seqwater to government agencies this month for review.
An Seqwater spokesman said the plans aimed to minimise construction impacts where possible.
Lake lowering at Lake Macdonald Dam is expected to commence in March 2021, subject to an assessment of water security impacts with the lake lowering expected to be completed before the end of August 2021.
“Seqwater has developed the Lake Macdonald Water Lowering – Adaptive Management Plan to manage the impacts on aquatic fauna and flora during lake lowering, including relocating aquatic fauna from the lake to other suitable areas in the Mary River catchment,” the spokesman said.
“Seqwater takes its environmental responsibilities seriously and is working to implement all reasonable and practicable mitigation strategies”.
In the past months, Seqwater teams have been assessing release sites for aquatic fauna in the Mary River catchment.
“We have also been discussing mitigation measures with specialist subcontractors to make sure best practices are used to protect aquatic fauna while undertaking the necessary lake lowering,” he said.
For more information visit www.seqwater.com.au/project/lake-macdonald-dam-upgrade