CLOSE CALL: Shark sighting in the Noosa River

By Rose Astley

 One lucky pooch narrowly escaped becoming a lunch time treat for an alleged 4-5 foot bull shark in the Noosa River today.

Owner Bec Amson said her eight-year-old Border Collie named Bella was swimming around the shallows of the river when a dorsal fin could be seen close behind her.

“My dad recognised it first and noticed it was coming quickly straight for my dog, so (we) started calling her back and as she was coming in the shark obviously hit shallower water and was splashing around trying to get closer,” Bec said.

“Luckily it was too shallow and it turned around the other way.”

Bec took to social media to warn others of the fact that there is definitely sharks in the Noosa River, and they’re not shy.

“Keep them close and a good eye!” Bec said.

The incident took place near the Noosa North Shore Ferries around 11am.