Noosa Council sidelined by state: 195 units set for Junction

Noosa Mayor Frank Wilkie.

The state government has proposed approval of a 195 residential unit, commercial, retail complex at Noosa Junction and 40 residential units at Tewantin to address the supply and affordability of housing under the National Housing Accord and the State’s Homes for Queenslanders commitment to the task.

The State has activated the approval process that side lines councils on two proposed developments under the new State Facilitated Development (SFD) pathway.

“The State has notified council of its intention regarding 40 dwelling units – 89 Poinciana Ave and 10 Sidoni St, Tewantin and 195 residential units, commercial and retail on 2, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Lanyaya Way & 28 Sunshine Beach Road, Noosa Heads,” Mayor Frank Wilkie said.

“This is the State’s response to the national housing crisis as each development must contain an element of “affordable housing”, although we don’t know what that means at present. The available information also does not include plans or details of building height.”

“Due to the limited amount of information provided, council immediately requested an urgent meeting with the State Planning Department Director.”

“The advice I’ve received this morning is the SFD department is either unwilling or unable to release details of building height, number of storeys or carparking requirements.”

“We need this detail to give appropriate and accurate feedback as well as to understand conflicts with the planning scheme and impacts on the surrounding community.

“It’s yet to be explained how these developments will deliver housing that is genuinely affordable.”

“Council will make submissions about the proposals before the closing date of 23 September 2024, after which the Housing Minister makes a decision.”

Noosa MP Sandy Bolton said having been advised of this by Noosa Council on Wednesday morning, she had booked a meeting with the Minister for Housing.

“As I said in Parliament, yes, we need affordable housing, however we also need our community alongside in these efforts, and each project must be individually assessed with full community consultation,” she said.

“We will keep the everyone updated including on our efforts to ensure any projects that utilise this pathway are genuinely affordable for our residents and workers, and not just labelled as such.”

Landowners have taken advantage of the new fast track development assessment pathway, an initiative of the State to deliver 240,000 “well-located homes”, including social and affordable homes by mid 2029.

At Noosa Junction land owners GCMT Properties, Body Corporate for Sunshine Centre Community Titles Scheme 7916, Trifecta Properties, Relate Holdings and Lanyana Investments requested a development on properties 2, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Lanyana Way and 28 Sunshine Beach Road be considered under the State Facilitated Development pathway.

The proposed development consists of 195 build-to-rent residential units including at least 15 per cent “affordable”, commercial and retail ground level units, on-site parking and communal areas and amenities.

At Tewantin Poinciana Blue also applied under the State’s fast track pathway to develop 40 build-to-sell and build-to-rent residential units including at least 15 per cent “dedicated as affordable” and on-site car parking at 87-89 Poinciana Avenue and 10 Sidoni Street.

The decision made under the State Facilitated Development pathway ends any further decision on the applications or appeals against the decision.

Representations can be made on the proposed developments until 5pm on Monday 23 September via email at or post to Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, c/- Director, State Facilitated Development Planning Group, GPO Box 690, Brisbane, 4001.

The proposed developments are publicly viewable via the SFD website, see link below.