Well here we are again. It’s the end of what has been a crazy year for many. The fishing has been up and down and up again and as we kick back and ease into 2021 you can bet it will be different again.
This year and into 2021 we have the La Nina effect and although subtle in terms of weather I am sure the fishing will be different. After the solid rains and the rivers are still running a darker shade than usual and as mentioned the reefs are starting to wake up if you can get to them.
Offshore the local reefs have been the go to as conditions continue to be rather bumpy and the bar has some solid swell on it. Sunshine and North reefs have been producing sweetlip, coral trout, cobia, jewfish, mahi mahi, tuna and the occasional mackerel. In previous years we have seen a big influx of spotty mackerel around the first week of January so be sure you load up on all things required. The Gillies baitfish slugs and Arma brass twists are the first to fly off the pegs. For most anglers the 20 & 30 gram slugs are the most popular. To keep things safe, strong and easy switch out the stock treble hook for a 2/0 single hook. A single hook won’t fail if you hook a monster and makes for fast and easy unhooking. If you are going to use wire then the new Superflex single strand in 38lb and a matching Shogun swivel is the go. Be sure you ask us how to tie the haywire twist correctly as this is super important. For leader, running 20-30lb with 20lb braid is all you need for the majority of sight casting. Take a look at the new Shimano Vanford 5000 for an ultra-light compact reel you could comfortably use all day which will hold 280-300 meters of 20lb braid.
Surf fishing has also been quiet due to the conditions but decent gutters should be easy to spot when there is swell. Make sure you fish through the gutter and watch for the direction of sweep. Have your baits drifting into the gutter and use fresh mullet, pipi and whitebait rigged on 10-12lb mono for best results. Big dart should be feeding along the surf zone with smaller dart and bream on the inside. Good numbers of whiting are also around and super light 3kg lines and fresh beach worm makes for some exciting fishing.
The Noosa River will be busy now we are in holiday mode. This is the time of year when the early bird catches the fish and light lines work best especially as the river begins to clear up from the rains. If you are looking for a quiet place to fish then head upriver between the lakes. If you catch catfish the waters are too fresh so it pays to move back downstream. Between the lakes is often a quiet place to fish and species can range from jacks, jewfish, trevally and even the occasional flathead. This area is best done while drifting and flicking lures along the many rock bars, deep holes and fallen timbers that line the banks. While the waters are darker take a look at smaller paddle tail plastics like the Powerbait nemesis paddle tail in pearl colour. The smallest Samaki soft vibes are also great for this area with trevs and jewies particularly fond of this lure. Further down river the ski run toward the Marina is a well-known trevally area and the chance of flathead extends to the grassy flats just before it.
From here you can fish the Gympie Terrace stretch and into the Frying Pan if you are in a boat. This is where the sand starts to build up and we see a great mix of species. Right now flatties and trevally are the top species with a few good jacks caught around the various rock piles on the tide turn. Again you can use fresh mullet strip lightly weighted and allowed to drift along in the current. If you are on anchor you would do well to burley up. Pre mixed or our 1 KG burley bomb will get the fish biting and now is the time of year where increased boat traffic sees the fish become more cautious.
With the fresh still coming down river now is a great time to put a few crab pots out for mud crabs. With the spring tides be sure you add some weight or a house brick to your pot and keep them along the edges and not in the open to prevent entanglement with boats.
Freshwater is seeing Lake Macdonald at 100% and overflowing. This will see the bass following flow and even schooling up. Once you find the fish on your sounder be sure to pull away and cast into the school and work plastics through the school. Keep an eye on your sounder as bass will often follow you. If the waters are dirty then the smaller Ecogear ZX blades are dynamite. Borumba is lower due to waters being released to feed the creek and keep things flowing. At less than 80% be sure you travel cautiously and enjoy a great day on the water. Keep an eye on temperature and fish around the changes in temp as fish will follow these.
Now for all the latest information log onto www.fishingnoosa.com.au for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!