Shining the light on tube feeding

Sarah's daughter Bella with her feeding tube and reading Meet Arabella book.

From 5-11 February, national charity founded by a Noosa local, ausEE, is hosting Australasia’s Feeding Tube Awareness Week (FTAW).

AusEE chief executive officer and founder Sarah Gray invitef the community to get involved to increase awareness and understanding in the community by raising some of the challenges faced, and highlighting the day-to-day impact of tube feeding on individuals, carers and families.

There are many reasons why babies, children or adults may require tube feeding (or enteral nutrition), so food and fluids can get into their body if they are unable to eat/drink or unable to eat/drink enough.

The two most common types of feeding tubes are a nasogastric tube (NG-tube), which is a tube that is inserted through the nose and runs down to the stomach and a gastrostomy tube (G-tube) which is inserted into the stomach through a small opening made in the abdominal wall.

AusEE is Australia’s peak national support and patient advocacy organisation for eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases, just one condition, out of hundreds, that may require someone to have a feeding tube to meet their nutritional needs.

Sarah Gray said, “Feeding Tube Awareness Week is celebrated each year to bring everyone together who has a feeding tube, whatever the reason may be.“

For the first time, during FTAW, Australian and New Zealand landmarks are lighting up purple and blue to raise awareness about tube feeding. AusEE gives thanks to the facilitators of around 85 landmarks, buildings and bridges that are showing their support for people with feeding tubes by illuminating.

They’re encouraging people to get involved during FTAW by visiting the participating landmarks on the light up night/s and taking a photo to share on social media, using the hashtags #FTAW2023 and #TubieTuesday.

A list of light up locations can be found at