Police launch Easter school holiday road safety operation

Operation Victor Easter will be underway until Sunday 16 April.

Operation Victor Easter will be underway until Sunday 16 April.

Police will conduct targeted operations and will have a high visibility presence on roads to combat the fatal five.

Motorists are reminded that there are no excuses when it comes to the fatal five. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Police Minister Mark Ryan joined Queensland Police Service (QPS) Acting Assistant Commissioner Chris Stream to launch the Easter Road Safety campaign, reminding motorists there are no excuses when it comes to road safety during these school holidays.

Mr Ryan said, “The school holidays are a great time to get out and about to explore everything that Queensland has to offer but road safety must come first.”

“Police are always doing their part to promote road safety and enforce road rules, and you can expect to see them anywhere, anytime.

“It is also critical that motorists prioritise their own safety on the roads.

“Plan your trip, take regular breaks, share the driving, and ensure everyone is buckled up.

“If you see police officers out and about over the break, remember they’re sacrificing time with their own families to make sure that you and yours get home safely.“

Acting Assistant Commissioner Chris Stream said, “The school holiday periods always see increased traffic on the roads with families eager to get to their destinations and travelling in unfamiliar areas.“

“Day or night, ensure you drive to the conditions. Don’t speed or drive affected by drugs or alcohol.

“We know that we can significantly reduce fatal crashes if motorists avoid the fatal five behaviours: speeding, drink or drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt, driving tired and distracted driving.

“Expect to see police conducting roadside operations and patrolling our roads, doing everything we can to reduce road trauma and keep Queenslanders safe.

“Getting stopped by police might be an inconvenience to you, but for us, it is often the best-case scenario when the alternative is responding to a fatal car crash.“

“One life lost is one too many so please be careful. Every decision you make behind the wheel, counts.

“And remember, there is no second chance if you make a fatal decision behind the wheel,” Assistant Commissioner Stream said.

Easter long weekend 2022 stats:

– One life lost.

– 60 injury crashes recorded in Queensland.

– 3788 traffic infringements issued.

– 1217 infringements issued to speeding drivers.

– 471 motorists caught while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.