This year on the International Day of Friendship, 30 July, SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast Aquarium shared the story of an adorable friendship between two rescued long-nosed fur seals.
Despite only meeting six months ago, Moana and Saturday formed a special connection and can be spotted swimming together every afternoon.
According to SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast’s mammals manager, Carla Haskell, the two seals are close in age and the same species.
“We have four seal species here at the aquarium, but Moana and Saturday are both long-nosed fur seals and are quite close in age at nine and 10 years old. It’s wonderful to see how they enjoy each other’s company – they always look like they are having an enriching experience together as they fly through the water,” Carla said.
“It’s very exciting as Moana hasn’t previously bonded with another seal quite like this before.”
Moana arrived at SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast in August 2015 and Saturday arrived in February 2022 from Sea World.
Moana and Saturday were both rescued after being found stranded with serious eye injuries which left them visually impaired. They have undergone extensive rehabilitation over the years and are now thriving.
Despite their good health, Moana and Saturday have both been deemed unfit for release into the wild and live at the aquarium where they are ambassadors for their species.
They help educate the public about the need for the conservation and protection of marine animals.
Seals and sea lions are currently under threat from habitat destruction, pollution, bycatch and more.
The team at SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast encourage Queenslanders to keep beaches clean, keep clear of wild seals and call the DES hotline on 1300 130 372 if they come across a sick or injured seal in the wild.