Have your say on Wide Bay

Wide Bay MP Llew O'Brien

Wide Bay MP Llew O’Brien is inviting all local residents to participate in a survey being distributed to all households in the Federal electorate of Wide Bay from this weekend.

“Be on the lookout for Wide Bay’s Community Survey 2023, it will start appearing in letterboxes in Wide Bay over the next two weeks starting from Monday 4 September,” Mr O’Brien said.

“We live in the best part of Australia, and I want to make it even better. Wide Bay’s Community Survey 2023 invites people to express their opinions on the things that are important to them, our region, and our nation’s future.

“This survey gives everyone the opportunity to have their say on a range of local, state, and national issues.

“The questions in Wide Bay’s Community Survey 2023 canvass opinions on a range of policy fronts, including taxation, cost of living, jobs and the economy, welfare, transport, community safety, education, border protection and national security, health, seniors, environment, energy, community, and social issues.”

“Wide Bay’s Community Survey 2023 asks about peoples support for ideas and proposals that sometimes come before the Parliament that would impact on themselves, their local community and our region,” Mr O’Brien said.

“The survey is another way in which I can ensure that the electorate’s views are heard in the Federal Parliament and communicated to Government.”

“I will use the results of the survey to enhance our region’s place in Queensland and Australia,” Mr O’Brien said.

“The survey will also be available on my website www.llewobrien.com.au/survey.”

The survey should be returned to Mr O’Brien by folding and sealing the survey so the reply paid details are on the front, and it should be returned by 25 September.