Quilts for all occasions

Christine Myers with her first proper quilt, her pride and joy, which resides on the bed in her guest bedroom. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

Margie Maccoll

Eighty quilts made for family, friends, charities and family heirlooms, each with a back story and some taking years to create by 42 women, were displayed last weekend by Wallace House Quilters at their House of Quilts exhibition.

“This exhibition has been a long time in the planning,” Noosa Arts and Crafts Association (NACA) president Jan Bentley said at its opening. “You would not believe the amount of work gone into making it look so magnificent.

“It’s not just the show, it’s the many gazillion of sewing hours these women put themselves through to make these lovely quilts. I’m in awe of these skills.”

Mayor Clare Stewart officially opened the exhibition, admitting there have been some Tuesdays when she’d popped in to enjoy the calm presence of the quilting group.

“It is uplifting because this is a place of peace, a place of community, a place on Tuesdays where women come together to share stories, to talk about quilting, but really to spend some time together and forge those connections,” Cr Stewart said.

“When I look at the walls I see some of the stories. There’s Sandy who has made a quilt for an expectant grand child and Sally, her quilt made as a cuddly quilt to remember her by. These quilts are legacy items for families.”

The exhibition celebrated 30 years Wallace House Quilters have been sewing together after forming when Noosa Arts and Crafts moved into their forever home at Wallace House in 1993.