New vehicle will bring relief to PTSD sufferers

Noosa MP Sandy Bolton with PTSD Dogs Australia chief executive Angie Weeks and a Labrador named Legend.

Noosa-based charity PTSD Dogs Australia pack are wagging their tails with excitement at the news they have obtained a grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

The grant will allow the charity to buy a much-needed vehicle to transport their assistance dogs in training out and about into the community.

The charity, established in 2018, rescues dogs from shelters and pounds, and in turn, those dogs rescue our veterans and first responders who are suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of their service to our community, a truly win-win situation.

Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton, who supported their application, said, “The difference that our four- legged friends make to the lives of those suffering from PTSD is more than incredible.

“It can be liberating as well lifesaving, and the efforts of the PTSD Dogs Australia team has been nothing short of phenomenal in making this possible. It is wonderful that this work has been recognised through a Community Benefit Fund grant to purchase a new vehicle to assist in providing this vital service.

“The combined commitment of both these two and four-legged volunteers is a significant part of the healing journey for so many, and I send my gratitude for all their hard work and dedication in truly making a difference.”

These dogs bring comfort and joy to many, using their many skills, such as pressure technique, retrieval, and much more. Those suffering from PTSD often experience night tremors, anxiety, and even seizures. The dogs are trained to detect these conditions and assist the handler through their most difficult times.

The vehicle will allow the organisation to transport dogs undergoing training, out into public places and to public events, and therefore allow them to train and place more dogs on an annual basis.

“We have been needing this vehicle for a very long time,“ chief executive officer Angie Weeks said.

“This is a dream come true for us and will make a positive impact on so many lives”.

The project was funded by the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, and the organisation could not be more appreciative.

Keep an eye out for the new vehicle as it travels around the Sunshine Coast with their precious furry cargo inside.

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