All options explored on road safety

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey

The State Government will bring together transport experts, stakeholders, and industry leaders this month for a road safety roundtable, after a tragic year on Queensland roads.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said he’s keen to explore all options to improve road safety.

“The roundtable will include the likes of the Queensland Police Service, RACQ, Safer Australian Roads and Highways Group, Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland, and the Department of Transport and Main Roads.”

Mr Bailey said the fatal five; speeding, drink/drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt, distraction and fatigue were still contributing to the majority of fatalities on Queensland roads.

“Sadly, we lost 299 lives on Queensland roads in 2022, which is the worst since 2012, but well below the 331 lives we lost in 2009, and the 638 lives lost in 1973.

“The majority of drivers are doing the right thing, using our roads in a safe way.

“But I get reports through every time a fatal crash occurs on our roads, and in far too many instances’ drivers making dangerous choices on our roads are contributing factors to fatalities.”

Mr Bailey said the roundtable will also be exploring other trends which have contributed to the number of lives lost including motorcycle registrations and extreme weather.

“In 2019 we had 45 motorcycle deaths, compared to 74 in 2022,” he said.

“Another big factor in the first six months of 2022 was the heavy rain and flooding we saw throughout the state where we lost 12 due to driving into floodwaters.

“All ideas will be welcome at the roundtable, and we’ll consider the views of all stakeholders.”