To say that Sunday 3rd February was a happy/sad day for the Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club would have to be the under-statement of the year. It was on this occasion that the biggest crowd in the history of the Supporter Club gathered to bid a sad farewell to this great club house.
The reason for this was that during this week the first major steps in the building of a complete new clubhouse (lifesaving and supporter club facilities ) were taken and this great club as we know it will cease to exist; however to keep the thirsty supporters happy a temporary bar facility will still be available.
It was a mixed crowd of clubbies, old boys, support members, sponsors and local well: despite the rough months ahead all in attendance agreed it was definitely a major step in the right direction. Amongst those present was John Madill of the Madill Family (Madill Motor Group) a family that has been for years a major supporter of lifesaving in our community.” This crowd is absolutely fabulous. It shows the support that both this club and the project has received”
Chairman of the building committee Warrick Redwood said, “This is just the start and we thank all for being here today; also their support down through the years. During the construction we will definitely keep all our people and sponsors informed. Once the project gets into full swing we will release progress reports and where possible will include dates covering the various stages.”
Another in attendance with years of service on the beach and in management was Bill Twigger Life Member of both his club and the Sunshine Coast Branch.” “For us this is the start of a new generation. We started in the early 80s working out of a tin shed amongst the sand dunes and now we are embarking on a million dollar project; it just goes to show we must be doing a lot of things right.”
I am sure that all the community will join with us at Noosa Today when we say; good luck to all involved.