Applications are now open for Wide Bay community groups, local councils and non-government organisations to share in $1.8 million in flexible funding grants to support recovery from last year’s devastating Queensland bushfires.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien said grants of between $2500 and $50,000 and larger grants of between $50,001 and $100,000 were available to support community-led recovery and resilience programs in fire-affected communities.
“The recovery from these fires will be a long-term process, particularly in hard-hit areas like Noosa, and we are in it for the long haul to support local communities get back on their feet,” Mr O’Brien said.
Flexible funding grants are being made available under the jointly funded Commonwealth-Queensland Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) through Category C Community Recovery Funds (CRF).
“These grants are designed to fund programs and projects that provide vital assistance to local people who have faced significant hardship and disruptions due to the bushfires.”
Eligible projects can include community events or arts, sporting and cultural projects; commemorative public memorials; and workshops and information sessions for future bushfire preparedness.
Mr O’Brien said it was important that recovery efforts from the bushfires were locally-led and supported by the Australian and Queensland Governments.
“We’ll continue to work together with all bushfire-impacted communities to ensure they have the resources and support they need to make a complete recovery,” he said.
The first round of the flexible funding grants is open to community groups, local councils and non-government organisations in the Fraser Coast, Gympie, Noosa, South Burnett, and Sunshine Coast local government areas.
Grant applications close at 2pm on 3 June 2020.
Successful grant projects will be delivered in line with the latest health advice regarding COVID-19.
More information on the flexible funding grants, including how to submit an application, can be found at www.communities.qld.gov.au/industry-partners/funding-grants/funding-available.
For more information about community recovery visit www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies/recovery-after-disaster