Hump day learning

The children gained a deeper appreciation for this unique industry.

Embarking on a journey that transcended the confines of the classroom, the Year 1 students of Sunshine Beach State School recently delved into a captivating excursion to the QCamel Farm.

This hands-on adventure not only fueled their curiosity but also broadened their understanding across multiple curriculum areas, including Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), Science and Technology.

Stepping onto the farm, the young learners were immersed in a world where nature and human intervention intertwined intricately.

Exploring the diverse environments of the farm, ranging from natural habitats to managed and constructed areas, the students witnessed firsthand the delicate balance that exists within ecosystems.

Among the highlights of the excursion was the mesmerising process of camel milk production.

Entranced by the topic, the children gained a deeper appreciation for this unique industry and its significance.

Year 1 student River said, “I really liked patting the camels especially the baby camels, they were very cute and fluffy.”

Not just a lesson in milk production, the excursion also delved into the historical aspects of life on the farm, offering valuable insights into rural living and cultural practices

Reflecting on the experience, Year 1 teacher Sophie Ward said, “The hands-on experience at the QCamel Farm was truly amazing for our learners. This real-world application made their learning come alive and helped them grasp concepts in a way that goes beyond the classroom.“

Echoing Sophie’s sentiments, Casey Brown, another Year 1 teacher, emphasised how the excursion brought their studies to life in an extraordinary way.

“By immersing themselves in diverse environments and witnessing the interplay between human activities and nature, the students gained a holistic perspective on ecosystems,“ Casey said.