Mayor delivers on checklist

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart has this week released a 10-point accountability checklist to report progress on her key election commitments.

Cr Stewart said the checklist was a critical part of delivering on her twin commitments of greater results and greater transparency, which she made to the people of Noosa at the 2020 election.

“One of the most important responsibilities of an elected official to not only to keep your promises, but also to be fully accountable to voters on how you have delivered,” Cr Stewart said.

“I’ve already signalled that I don’t intend to continue as Mayor after the election, but that doesn’t mean I intend to walk away from the commitments I made when I came into the job nearly four years ago.

“So I am releasing my accountability checklist today to ensure that the people of Noosa have a clear line of sight over the commitments I have delivered, as well as the areas that will be my focus right up until I finish in office next March.

“And what it shows is that overwhelmingly the people of Noosa can be satisfied that they have received what was promised ahead of the election in 2020.”

The accountability checklist covers a range of areas such as greater community consultation and engagement, delivering major infrastructure projects, and making more detailed preparations for natural disasters.

It shows that Cr Stewart and the council have fully delivered 70 per cent of her priority projects during her term as Mayor, and was on track to deliver the remaining 30 per cent over her final four months in office.

“Some of these projects have been completed, which will allow a future council to focus its attention on new priorities for Noosa,” Cr Stewart said.

“Other projects, such as ensuring all local roads and bridges are safe, will require a life-long commitment from council to ensure standards remain high.

“So I would rate that as a commitment we are continuing to deliver, as hopefully that important work will continue even after I have left office.

“In the meantime, I am committed to continuing the job all the way up until the election on March 16 next year. I asked the people of Noosa to give me a job for four years, and I intend to work every single day until those four years are complete.

“This accountability checklist shows that not only have we delivered on the vast majority of our commitments, but that we are going to keep fighting for Noosa all the way to the finish line.”

To see the accountability checklist visit,