Council was advised that the temporary 10-tonne mass limit on Pomona Kin Kin Road applied by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads was lifted, effective Tuesday 8 March.
The temporary load limit was implemented under section 46 of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, in response to the flooding, road closures and impacts to road pavement from the extreme weather event.
The department says lifting the load restrictions will allow community services, local businesses and residents, who have wanted to undertake clean-up and repair activities to carry these out once the load limit is lifted tomorrow.
Noosa Council says the Noosa Care Army is ready to roll and they are keen to hear from any flood-impacted resident who requires help.
If you still need assistance in the clean-up, contact Council’s Community Development team at commdev@noosa.qld.gov.au
Skip bins continue to be delivered to flood-ravaged areas across the shire.
It was hoped residential bin collections would return to a normal schedule on Wednesday, based on access and safety.
Community Recovery Pop-up centres continued across the shire throughout the week with almost 60 people attending in Federal on Monday to gain information on recovery assistance.
The Noosa North Shore Ferry service began operating on Tuesday with restrictions remaining on caravans, trailers, horse floats and campervans.