Celebration of surf vision

Artist impression of the proposed concept plan for the coastal pathway boardwalk.

This is a first look at a breathtaking new coastal boardwalk that could soon make one of the Sunshine Coast’s most beautiful foreshores even more enjoyable.

It’s a key part of a concept design, which the community is invited to view and share feedback on.

The suggested enhancements also include a stunning viewing platform, expansive picnic lawn, wider and more accessible path, new stairs to the beach and additional seating to soak up the ocean views.

Sunshine Coast Council has developed the vision to enhance two areas of Alexandra Headland, a haven for walkers, surfers and beachgoers.

The zones in the design spotlight are the Alex Bluff Foreshore Park, located opposite Mayfield Street, and a section of coastal pathway connecting to Mooloolaba Foreshore Park.

Although there are no immediate plans or budget to upgrade the park at this time, community feedback on the Concept Ideas Plan will help council plan ahead.

The community is invited to view the concept design and share feedback before 17 April.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 4 Councill Joe Natoli said he was excited to see the proposed design celebrated surf culture and retained the relaxed atmosphere of the foreshore.

“This project was initiated by members of our local community who approached council with their vision to enhance the area to celebrate and acknowledge the surf history and much-loved identities,” Cr Natoli said.

“Since then, council has worked closely with members and individuals from a cross section of key community groups including North Shore Boardriders, Alex Malibu Club, Alex Residents Association and the Beach Matters group, to develop The Corner.

“This community-focused approach aims to improve the presentation and amenity so that locals and visitors can continue to use the parkland as a pause point and meeting place allowing them to break off and appreciate the views.

“The second part of the plan focuses on the Coastal Pathway Boardwalk which is an essential link in the Coastal Pathway network, improving the steepest section of path to ensure its accessibility for wheelchairs, connecting to Mooloolaba Foreshore Park.

“The boardwalk’s design thoughtfully incorporates existing trees, offering scenic ocean glimpses, creating a stunning “tree-top“ walk experience.

“The project team and I look forward to receiving feedback from the community to prioritise improvements and seek funding opportunities.”

The community can provide feedback on the draft concept plan by visiting council’s Have Your Say website before 17 April.

Simply Google Have Your Say Sunshine Coast.

Community feedback on the plan will help council determine priority improvements and seek potential future grant applications and funding opportunities.