Eliahi donates 35k bracelet in memory of his wife

Katie Rose spokesperson Leigh McCready, MJ wearing the bracelet, Priest Jewellery owner Eliahi Priest, Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart, and Carol Raye of the Katie Rose fundraising committee.

By Abbey Cannan

Long-term Noosa family business Priest Jewellery launched the fundraising lottery ticket sales for a very special cause on Monday 6 March.

There will only be 5000 tickets sold in the lottery to win a $35,000 piece of jewellery, custom-designed by owner Eliahi Priest in memory of his wife Kristy-Elle, who spent her last days at Katie Rose Cottage Hospice.

The bracelet, which will raise funds for the hospice, is a stunning combination of diamonds, pink tourmaline, rose quartz and amethyst nestled in 18-carat white gold.

At Noosa Civic Shopping Centre Mr Priest said, “I called it Kristy-Elle bracelet because my beautiful wife passed away from cancer last year after a courageous and powerful 12 month battle with that horrible disease.“

“I was her primary carer for that 12 months and at times it was full time. I’m proud to say in the 12 months of Kristy-Elle’s cancer she spent only a handful of nights in hospital.

“When we finally arrived at Katie Rose, we were lucky enough that Kristy-Elle was able to have a bed and I could just let go and be with my wife while Katie Rose took over.

“I have never witnessed or experienced care like the care that Katie Rose gave, in my entire life. In those moments, I made a resolution to myself that I’d step up and help Katie Rose, and will continue to for the rest of our time here in Noosa.

“We love Katie Rose and welcome the rest of the Noosa community to really comprehend and understand how important palliative care is in our community. All of us will one day pass through those gates.“

Katie Rose is primarily funded by the community, as only 20 per cent of the nursing costs are covered by the Queensland Government.

Katie Rose spokesperson Leigh McCready said they were grateful to the Priest family for the support.

“From the bottom of our hearts, this opportunity you have given us, it’s not just about what you’ve given us in terms of financial support, but your ongoing support, love and care.“

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart thanked Eliahi on behalf of the Noosa community.

“In those final moments, a lot of people say things and life goes on, but you made a commitment and you stuck to it for Kristy-Elle,“ Clare said.

“This is really changing lives for people who are going through the toughest part of their life with loved ones.

“As a community, we are so fortunate to have Katie Rose. It is just remarkable the work that they do and we are so proud of the organisation and the local businesses like Priest who get behind charities.“

Ticket buyers will be able to view the bracelet at Priest Jewellers from 6 March until 8 June. The winner will be drawn on 10 June at the annual Katie Rose Cottage Forget-me-not Gala.

For your chance to win, purchase tickets now at raffletix.com.au/kristyellebraceletraffle