Women’s Shed teaches Rotary a thing or two

Noosa Women's Shed president Robyn Sanders. Picture: ROB MACCOLL

Rotary Club of Noosa Heads is set to celebrate International Women’s Day with a special guest speaker at the Rotary Club’s next dinner meeting.

Every year International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world on 8 March. The movement began back in 1911 and was taken up in Sydney, Australia in 1928.

To help celebrate this event the Rotary Club of Noosa Heads has invited The Noosa Women’s Shed president Robyn Sanders to be guest speaker at the Noosa Reef Hotel on the 14 March.

The Noosa Women’s Shed, which has evolved from an idea back in 2017 now enables tool-based and other life skills to be acquired by women in a supportive, inclusive and safe environment.

Currently based in a small shed at the Noosa Community Centre, the plan is evolving for larger premises open five-six days a week.

The Rotary Club of Noosa Heads is pleased to support this creative initiative as this club has done over 40 years, providing service to others and promoting integrity, international understanding and goodwill within the community.

The Rotary Club of Noosa Heads meets at the Reef Hotel twice a month for general meetings often to hear from interesting guest speakers.

To attend please call Allan Day on 0413 576 627.

The club assembles for fellowship at 6pm, and their meeting starts at 6.30pm.

For more information on the Rotary Club of Noosa Heads go to rotarynoosaheads.org.au