Cool times and hot fishing

Local angler Andrew McCarthy caught this quality 75cm snapper on a floater at North Reef. Photos:

With winter now upon us we are starting to see the winds tending more westerly which as predicted has cleaned the water up offshore. Conditions have also calmed down and despite swell on the bar the offshore conditions have been quite pleasant especially during the week.

For those heading out the species list has been varied especially after the full moon last week. During the neap tides, fishing in the deeper waters of Double Island Point, North Reef and The Hards is easier as you need less weight to reach the bottom.

Most fish caught are tending to consist of snapper up to 80cm, sweetlip in excess of 50cm and pearlies as well as a few smaller 10KG jewfish. Floating baits on light gear remains one of the best ways to fish, especially on anchor and follow it up with a light burley trail.

Using a mix of pilchards, pellets and tuna oil creates a great scent trail for fish to pick up on. If in shallower waters around Sunshine, Castaways and Halls Reef break out the 20lb gear with a 20-25lb fluorocarbon leader like YGK Nitlon which will help you around the rough bottom. Grab a pack of size 1 ball sinkers, some octopus circle hooks in 3/0-4/0. Send down small chunk baits of mullet with an open bail arm and wait for snapper to run off with your bait before striking. This is a lot of fun and you learn how to fight fish on lighter gear and as the saying goes “Fish light to get the bite”

There are still longtail tuna around so as always have a rod ready to cast. If you are looking for a great rod then check out the Ecooda Black Hawk rods which are on special. There is a 7ft 1 piece that’s perfect for casting metals and plastics which gives you a rod for snapper and tuna.

Surf fishing is starting to show signs of tailor coming in. With reports of fish turning up both north and south of Noosa it won’t be long until we see them. Most anglers target these fish on smaller gang hooks and pilchard baits. Another way to target these fish is to cast slugs like the Gillies baitfish into the surf line. These handy lures will also pluck trevally, tuna and mackerel from the bait schools so always carry a few. They also cast very well and work well on windy days.

The Noosa River is experiencing a good run on flatties in the smaller 50cm size range. These are a great lure target for the novice angler. Take a look at Berkley Nemesis plastics which have an action many fish love. With the cool weather there have also been some tailor in the estuary. These fish are a fantastic surface lure target. When they take down a surface lure the hit is nothing short of explosive! Try an Atomic Walker or larger Bassday Sugapen and work around Woods Bays on a first light high tide.

Another popular target are jewfish and although small they provide excellent angling fun on lighter 12lb gear. They respond well to heavily scented plastics like the Keitech Easy shiners in the 3 and 4 inch sizes. You will have to move around to find these fish as they can be found from the mouth to beyond Lake Cooroibah. The bite from a jewfish is more of a nibble or a light double tap. Be sure to strike hard as they have a hard mouth and let them run before bringing them to the net.

Freshwater continues to provide anglers with smaller bass in the 35-40cm range in both Lake Macdonald and Borumba. As mentioned last week they will be starting to move into the main basins over the coming weeks as things start to cool down further. Their natural urge to spawn is not lost on dam fish and they will school up in large numbers. Most of the time they will sit hard on the bottom so use soft plastics on 3/8th jighead weights and pull your lures through the school. Heavier sinkers ensure you stay low which helps trigger a bite from reluctant fish. Don’t forget that wild bass and Mary river cod are not to targeted during the annual closure for spawning.

Now for all the latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!