Too busy working to campaign

By Noosa Mp Sandy Bolton

As the State election fast approaches it again raises interesting discussions about political culture and behaviours. What is accepted or promoted as ‘normal’ seems vastly different to what Queenslanders seek!!

Residents often comment that they no longer know what or who to believe, whether it is about COVID or why after 30 years of promises, the basics of affordable living or why a road hasn’t been repaired is caught up in excuses, and the ‘blame’ game. This is amplified when you have politicians and parties being disingenuous and disrespectful to communities coming up to an election with ‘tokenism’, giving a little bit here and there based on them being elected, or not revealing the facts.

We have already seen this with a recent promise of $10m to commence as a ‘priority’ what is currently termed ‘Stage 3’ of the Beckmans Rd works. Confusing for residents after my announcement of a confirmed $10m for Stage 1 to commence building the Beckmans/Cooroy intersection round about, with Stages 2 and 3 to follow once their draft designs are completed. The order of these works is not random, nor misinformed. Safety must always come first, and Stage 1 addresses one of the most dangerous intersections in QLD, neglected in the previous 20 years regardless of who held government. Of concern is where the promised $10m will come from, as, if it is a transfer of the money that I’ve fought so hard for, with initial funds already transferred to Council for the detailed design, that is inappropriate. Two years of work between Council and State and the costs of, could be wasted as part of ‘promises’. Frightening, and only one example of why our political landscape needs an overhaul, as it is both costly to taxpayers, and to communities throughout the state.

Like many residents, I shudder at both the lack of facts at election times, and why those who do not live with us, make determinations for our future. There is so much we have achieved through hard work, objectivity and the building of cases in this last 3 years in order to address historical issues. Our community deserves much better than carrot dangling and misinformed media headlines. We seek a political landscape and intent that moves beyond what is considered the ‘norm’ to one that we expect, including truth and respect.

The beautiful aspect of being an Independent MP, whose only alliance is to this community, is that I consider each issue from the perspective of a resident, having lived, worked and volunteered here for 30 years. Your/our ‘reality’ is what I take forward to Government all year round, not as electioneering, ‘tokenism’, nor to get reelected. This because the Noosa electorate is my home and this community is my family, who expect more than empty promises, and this is where I will pass, though hopefully not soon!

So, if you are asking why I am not out knocking on doors as others are doing? Campaigning must take a back seat at this time as there is still much work to be done. From bushfires to COVID, our community has been greatly impacted over the last 12 months, and my focus remains supporting our residents, negotiating on behalf of our industries, getting dangerous roads sorted and ensuring we have the future needed. However, be assured that ‘Team Noosa’ will be out and about soon, so keep an eye out for the army in teal, as well the annual Connect and Survey with important postal vote information making its way to your letterboxes!

Until next time, as always keep up your fabulous work which make us all so proud.
