Focus on DV at Mayor’s Ball

Guests arrive at Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas for the Mingle with the Mayor event.

For the second year in a row, the community came together to mingle with Noosa’s mayor and raise funds and awareness for domestic violence in the Shire.

This year, 190 attended the Mingle with the Mayor Ball at Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas with all money raised from the in-house and online auction going towards transitional housing for domestic violence victims.

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart said she was privileged to be involved in this event for the second year running.

“They say it takes a village and indeed, it does,” she said.

“The Ball would not have been possible without a group of remarkable women who came together for the very best of reasons and I congratulate the Womenkind team for their remarkable efforts.”

Mingle with the Mayor Ball organiser, Josanne Falla said the Ball was a huge success in so many ways.

With current stats showing one in three women, since the age of 15, has experienced some kind of violence in their life, Cr Stewart said the annual event is about courage.

“It’s about speaking out and it’s about speaking up, standing firmly for what you believe in and being a voice for those with none,” she said.

“There is no greater champion of this than, Dawn Fraser AC MBE. I am lucky enough to call Dawn both a good friend and a mentor.”

This year’s keynote speaker was domestic violence campaigner, Dr Rosie Batty AO.

“What Rosie has endured is a mother’s worst nightmare. Her story is that of heartbreak and suffering. Yet so too is it one of triumph, of resilience and of hope.

“Her courage and her strength have not only inspired and changed the lives of so many women and children it has saved them.

“I thank Rosie for being the voice that so many in our community and our country needed. For being there to challenge, to change and to fight.”

For the second year, former news presenter, Kay McGrath was the master of ceremonies and singer/songwriter Katie Noonan performed live.

“Katie Noonan is a phenomenal talent. A schoolmate from years ago, Katie’s rendition of You’re the Voice captivated the room.”

Guests were treated to three courses by View Restaurant executive chef, Matt Golinski and cocktails sponsored by Diablo Co.

Cr Stewart said the community support and business support of the Ball was overwhelming.

“Noosa is at its best when it gets behind its own and this year’s Ball was no exception,” she said.

“The organising committee have given hundreds of hours of their time and the community has rallied. The live auction items have been donated by local businesses who have got behind this cause and like the sponsors this evening have supported us so much.

“And councillors Amelia Lorentson and Karen Finzel as well as Noosa CEO Scott Waters all attended and lent their support.

“I am incredibly honoured and privileged to be mayor of a Shire that cares so much and I say thank you.”