Fundraising to educate Himalayan girls

Noosa local, Heather McNeice, with a teacher and some of the Bhutanese children who are sponsored under the AHF education program.

While Sunshine Coast kids might take a good education for granted, their peers in the mountains of the Himalaya often have little or no access to schooling.

Having witnessed the contrast first-hand, a group of Noosa women is hosting a cocktail evening on 22 October at Noosa Springs Resort to raise funds for girls’ education and women’s health programs, on behalf of the Australian Himalayan Foundation.

“Our kids on the Sunshine Coast have access to some of the best educational resources on the planet – we’re incredibly privileged.

“By contrast, kids in the remote parts of the Himalaya – Nepal, Bhutan, India – often have to walk many kilometres to school, barefoot in freezing cold, to a sparsely resourced classroom. And that’s if they have access to schooling at all.

“On top of that, many of the children we support are victims of domestic violence,” explained Heather McNeice, Noosa local and Ambassador for the Australian Himalayan Foundation, who is co-hosting the fundraising event.

After seeing the education situation while trekking in the mountains, Heather and her group set about raising funds, including undertaking fundraising treks and an annual fundraising event in Noosa, now (with a pause during Covid) celebrating its 11th year.

“Over the past 20 years, the AHF has achieved amazing results on a shoestring budget, establishing schools, teacher training programs and sponsoring children who would otherwise not receive an education. In Bhutan, it costs just $300 per year to send a child to school, including books, uniform and meals,” Heather said.

Initially, the group’s efforts focused on girls’ education, providing scholarships for girls from remote and impoverished communities. However, it has evolved to include both girls and boys who have experienced violence, neglect or abuse. Currently, 205 children are supported by the program.

Funds raised from cocktail party tickets, raffle and silent auction sales and donations will go directly to the Australian Himalayan Foundation to be used where they are most needed in the charity’s health, education and conservation programs.

“Since 2011, our Noosa supporters have raised close to $300,000 and we continue to be a lynchpin in the funding for the AHF’s Bhutan education program,” said Heather.

“We’ve already seen fantastic support from local Sunshine Coast artists, businesses and community members offering goods and services for our silent auction and raffle, but we’d gratefully welcome more offers.

“Tickets are now available for the cocktail evening, which promises to be a fun night of delicious canapés, drinks, even a spin on the dance floor – and for a great cause.”

Heather is also hosting an AHF fund-raising trek in 2023 in Ladakh, in the remote Indian Himalaya, with a handful of places for fit, fund-raising trekkers still available.

Cocktail party tickets are $125 and can be purchased on-line at Further information: @bhutangirlseducation on Facebook or