Classic cars on show for a cause

Frank Carroll with the Rolls Royce that transported Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip on Royal tours. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

Delia and Peter Rayment courted in an MG and continue their love affair with MGs after more than 55 years of marriage.

Regular travellers in their 1948 Y-type saloon, the couple last Sunday attended Noosa Roadrunner Car Club’s annual charity car show where they told Noosa Today they see the classic cars as a catalyst for social interaction.

And they were on the mark as they joined guests and vehicle owners who chatted over a collection of cars and motorbikes representing every era in motoring.

Despite the rain Noosa’s Roadrunner Car Club, whose members come from Brisbane to Gympie and Hervey Bay, persevered in staging its annual charity car show at Chaplin Park, Noosaville, and just as it had done at previous years, donated proceeds to Katie Rose Cottage Hospice at Doonan.

Among the vehicles on show was a 1967 Rolls Royce which ferried Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on Australian tours in 1980 and 2000 and is now

part of the collection of the Sir Henry Royce Foundation at Coolum. Foundation trustee Frank Carroll, who exhibited the car, said the collection contains the only two classic Rolls Royce in Australia to have carried the Royal couple. The Foundation opens to the public on the first Saturday each month from 7-10am.

Parked near the Rolls at the car show was a 1939 DeSoto brought along by Frank Lowndes who inherited the vintage car from his grandfather who bought it new. It was an uncommon outing for the car which has travelled only 5000 miles in the 53 years Frank has owned it.

It wasn’t uncommon, though, for Richard and Anne Harris to take their classic car for a spin. Richard said the couple bought their 1936 Rolls Royce after it arrived in Australia from England in 2017 and drive it regularly. In original condition, which they like, the car had the same owner for 55 years and for the past 67 years has been known by the name of Rosie and continues to be.

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