Weekend trail wows walkers

Noosa Trail walkers Tracy Baker, Kate Pemberton and Susan McGee. (Rob Maccoll)

By all accounts the annual Great Noosa Trail Walk held over the long weekend went “really well”.

Libby Hoskin, who kept tabs on the numbers, said 206 walkers signed up for the three-day-walk with 27 one-day participants for the event that paves the way for walkers to immerse themselves in the Noosa Biosphere Trails between Cooroy-Kin Kin-Cooran and Pomona.

With bookings for this year’s event selling out almost two months after registration opened in February, the GNTW was a much-anticipated event.

Cooroy Future Group President, and event host, Kym Neaylon, said GNTW had walkers returning each year with friends and family to share the unique event.

“It is not a race but a leisurely 56km self-guided walk through the Noosa Hinterland and its townships, with support in place to allow participants to simply enjoy the trail,” Kym said.

Beginning 11 years ago as a small-scale event organised by local walker and trail enthusiast Shaun Walsh, the event has grown to offer both one-day and three-day walking opportunities.

Shaun is still a key member of the GNTW team, who this year led 25 volunteer Trail Guides who assist those on the trail.

Shaun said the event was enhanced this year by “beautifully fine weather” though the hot day on Sunday had them deploying extra water and advising everyone to get out on the trails early.

“Everyone padded on through and enjoyed a cold beer at the end of the day,” Shaun said.

Apart from a couple of sprains and some tired muscles “it’s gone really well” he said.

One of the highlights in addition to the landscape was dinner under the stars provided by the Kin Kin Community. “It was just terrific,” he said.

The GNTW event gives walkers an opportunity to see the natural world of the Noosa Hinterland at a relaxed pace. This experience is supported by local communities who provide local hospitality. Community groups provide logistics support with luggage, hot meals, and morning tea.

Behind the scenes was Sharon Collins who said “all went to plan”.

“For the community it’s really great to see what we can do with people coming together and just working together to make amazing events like this,” Sharon said.

“We’ve been prepping for about a week, hosing toilets down, getting fields ready, getting bindis out of the grass so it’s nice for camping. All that prepping beforehand goes on, then we have to do all the shopping, nutting out how much of this and that. You have 260 walkers coming for breakfast. It was very well organised.”

For more information visit greatnoosatrailwalk.com